Samiha Ayverdi


25 November, 1905
22 March, 1993

Writer (b. 21 November 1996, İstanbul – d. 12 March 1993). She attended Süleymaniye Numune School for Girls (1921). She was educated on private lessons. She undertook some temporary duties on various commissions of İstanbul Municipality and the Ministry of Culture. She was a founder and an active member of Kubbealtı Culture and Art Foundation and the Turkish Women Cultural Association.

She wrote many novels and book, where she combined her memories about mansion life during her childhood and her observations on the historical environment with the culture of history, which Ottoman era and Balkan Turks dominated on.

Her articles and poems were published in many newspapers and reviews, such as Büyük Doğu (1946), Resimli İstanbul Haftası, Fatih ve İstanbul, Türk Yurdu, Havadis, Ölçü, Hür Adam, Selamet, Anıt, Türk Kadını, Tercüman; she became a permament writer of Kubbealtı Akademi Mecmuası and Türk Edebiyat after 1972, and also wrote in the newspapers Türk Dünyası and Tarih Dergisi. Ayverdi, who affiliated to Kenan Rifai order, was especially famous for her novels titled Mesihpaşa İmamı (The Imam of Mesihpaşa) and Yolcu Nereye Gidiyorsun (Where are You Going, Traveller). She was given an Honorary Award for Contributions to Turkish National Culture by the National Culture Foundation of Turkey in 1984. She collected the Writers Union of Turkey Language Award with her book titled Hey Gidi Günler Hey (The Good Old Days). All of her books were re-published by Kubbealtı Publications.


NOVEL: Aşk Bu İmiş (Love Was That, 1938), Batmayan Gün (Sun Never Setting Down, 1939), Mabette Bir Gece (A Night at the Temple, 1940), Ateş Ağacı (The Tree of Fire, 1941), Yaşayan Ölü (Living Death, 1942), İnsan ve Şeytan (Man and Evil, 1942), Son Menzil (The Last Destination, 1943), Yolcu Nereye Gidiyorsun (Where are You Going, Traveller, 1944), Mesihpaşa İmamı (The Imam of Mesihpaşa, 1948), İbrahim Efendi Konağı (The Mansion of Ibrahim Efendi, 1964), Bağbozumu (Grape Harvest, 1987), Küplüce’deki Köşk (The Mansion in Küplüce, 1989).

ESSAY - RESEARCH: Yusufçuk (Yusufçuk, the selections from essays and conferences, 1946), Edebî ve Manevi Dünyası İçinde Fatih (Fatih in his Literary and Spiritual World, 1958), Boğaziçi’nde Tarih (The History in Bosphorus, 1966), Boğaziçi'nde Tarih (History in the Bosphorus, 1968), Misyonerlik Karşısında Türkiye (Turkey Against Missionarism, 1969), Millî Kültür Meseleleri ve Maarif Dâvâmız (The Issues of Our National Culture and Our Course of Education, 1970), Türk-Rus Münasebetleri ve Muharebeleri (Turkish-Russian Affairs and Wars, 1970), Türk Tarihinde Osmanlı Asırları (The Ottoman Centuries in Turkish History, 3 volumes, 1975-76), Abide Şahsiyetler (Monumental Personalities, 1976), Kölelikten Efendiliğe (From Slavery to Lordship, 1978), Dost (Friend, 1979), Kenan Rıfâî ve Yirminci Asrın Işığında Müslümanlık (Kenan Rıfai and Islam under the Light of Twentieth Century, third edition 1983), Yeryüzünde Birkaç Adım (A Few Steps on Earth, 1984), Mektuplardan Gelen Ses (A Voice Coming from Letters, 1985), Rahmet Kapısı (The Door of Compassion, 1985), Ne İdik Ne Olduk (What Were We, What Have We Become, 1985), Dile Gelen Taş (The Speaking Stone, 1999), Ratibe (Ratibe, edited by Aysel Yüksel, 2002), İki Âşina (Two Well-Knowns, 2003).

MEMOIR: İstanbul Geceleri (Nights of İstanbul, 1952), Bir Dünyadan Bir Dünyaya (From One World to Another, 1974), Hatıralarla Başbaşa (Alone with Memories, 1977), Hey Gidi Günler Hey (The Good Old Days, 1988).

POETRY: Hancı (Inkeeper, 2003).

REFERENCE: TDE Ansiklopedisi (1977), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Ahmet Oktay / Cumhuriyet Dönemi Edebiyatı 1923-1950 (1993), Mehmet Nuri Yardım / Medeniyetimizin Şahidi: Samiha Ayverdi: Batı Gençlerimizi Yaralıyor, s. 23-27), İsmet Binark / Samiha Ayverdi’nin Mektupları (2002), Servet Kabaklı vd. (Türk Edebiyatı, Özel Bölüm, Mayıs 2005), 1905-1993 Sâmiha Ayverdi – Doğumunun 100. Yılı (broşür, hayatının çeşitli döneminden fotoğraflarla, 2005).




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