Abdülaziz Bekkine


02 November, 1952

Mystic (B. 1895 İstanbul / Mercan- D. November 2, 1952, İstanbul). His family is from Kazan. He was raised in a well-educated family and he received Arabic and Kor’an lessons from Halil Effendi, Imam of Kaptanpaşa Mosque during his pre-school years. Then, he completed Darüttedris School. In 1910, he moved to Kazan with his family. After his father’s death and Russian Revolution, he went to Bukhara and he was being taught by well-known scholars in there. In 1921, he moved back to Istanbul again. Here, he attended Bayezit Madrasahs. With the help of his friend Mehmet Zahid Kotku from madrasahs, he met with and received sophistic lessons from Tekirdağlı Mustafa Feyzi Effendi who was one of the caliphs of Ahmed Ziyaeddin Gümüşhanevî. During his life he worked as an imam in various mosques of İstanbul. He was known with his impact on writer Nurettin Topçu and his works Ramuzu’l-Ehadis / Hadisler Deryası Translations (2 Volumes, edited by Lütfi Doğan- M. Cevat Akşit, 1980).

REFERENCE: Ahmed Ersöz / Abdülaziz Bekine Hazretleri (1992), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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