Davut Dursun

Siyaset Bilimci

Istanbul University Faculty of Economics Department of Journalism and Public Affairs

       Political scientist (b. 1955, Borçka / Artvin). He attended Artvin Primary School (1972) and graduated from Rize High School (externally, 1977) and Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Journalism and Public Affairs (later known as the Department of Press and Broadcasting) in 1981. He received his postgraduate degree at İstanbul University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science Institute (1983) and he did his PhD at the same university at the Social Science Institute, International Department (1987). He became an associate professor in 1992.

He studied as a researcher at Uludağ University, Faculty of Administrative Science, Department of Public Administration, Political and Social Science Branch from 1984 until 1987. Between 1988 and 1994, he worked as an editor and encyclopedia article writer on contemporary Turkey and the Islamic world for an international publication and research center. He was appointed as a lecturer to Sakarya University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Departments of Public Administration and International Political Affairs, Turkish Political Life, Political Parties, International Organization and the Middle East in the Modern Age: He gives lessons to post graduate students on Political Development, Political Life in Turkey and the Theory of Democracy. He wrote anecdotal articles for Millî Gazete starting in 1979. He also wrote for İlim ve Sanat, Dış Politika (1988), Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisat ve İdare Dergisi (1985-86) and Tarih ve Toplum (1989). He has written works on the political life in Turkey, the problems and processes in the modern age and he has also translated and written articles for encyclopedias. He has also produced work such as a documentary on Turkey’s crisis in democracy.



İslâmın İlk Döneminde Siyasal Katılma (Political Participation in the First Period of Islam, 1983), İslâmın İlk Döneminde Zengin Yoksul İlişkileri ve Zekat (Relations Between the Rich and the Poor and Benevolence in the First Period of Islam, 1984), Osmanlı Devletinde Siyaset ve Din (Politics and Religion in the Ottoman State, 1989), Din Bürokrasisi-Yapısı, Konumu ve Gelişimi (Religious Bureaucracy Organization, Situation and Development, 1992), İslâm Dünyasında Dayanışma Hareketleri (Solidarity in the Islamic World, 1992), Laiklik, Siyaset ve Değişim (Secularism, Politics and Change, 1995), Ortadoğu Neresi (Where is the Middle East?, 1995), Değişim ve Süreklilik (Change and Continuity, 1995), Yol Ayırımındaki Türkiye (Turkey at the Crossroad, 1996), Devlet, Siyaset ve Toplum (State Politics and Society, 1996), İslâm Dünyasında Entegrasyon Hareketleri (Integration in the Islamic World, 1999), Demokratikleşemeyen Türkiye (Turkey that Cannot Be Democratized, 2000), Ertesigün / Demokrasi Krizlerinde Basın ve Aydınlar (The Following Day /the Press and Intelligentsia During the Democracy Crisis, 2000), 27 Mayıs Darbesi / Hatıralar Gözlemler Düşünceler (27 May Coup D’Etat/ Memories, Observations, Thoughts, 2001), Demokrasi Sorunu ve Türk Demokrasisi (The Problem of Democracy and Turkish Democracy, 2001), Siyaset Bilimi (Political Science, 2002), 12 Mart Darbesi (12 March Coup D’Etat, 2003).

COLLECTION: Türkiye’de İslâm ve Laiklik (Islam and Secularism in Turkey, 1995), Türkiye’de Yönetim Geleneği (Tradition of Administration in Turkey, 1998).

Also he has translated works from English.


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