Nuri Pakdil

Deneme Yazarı, Düşünür, Oyun Yazarı, Yazar

18 Ekim, 2019
Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Essayist and playwright (b. 1934, Kahramanmaraş - d. 18 October 2019, Ankara). He attended Maraş High School and graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Law. He worked as a legal adviser at a state ministry (1965-67) and as an advisor at the State Planning Organization (1967-73). He gave up his work in March 1973, and took up writing. He resumed his work at the State Planning Organization after the review Edebiyat and its publishing house was closed down and he retired from the organization.

His first poems and essays were published in the newspaper Demokrasiye Hizmet in Maraş and in the review Hamle (Maraş, 1944-55), which he published himself. Nuri Pakdil, who also managed the arts page of the newspaper Yeni İstiklal (1964), gained fame with his essays in the monthly review Edebiyat, which he published in Ankara in February 1969.

Many poets and writers gained exposure in the review Edebiyat, which was one of the most important Islamic reviews, like Büyük Doğu and Diriliş. He attracted huge attention with his book Batı Notları (West Notes), which consisted of his impressions of Paris and depicted Western people with new approach and style. With Biat (Obeisance), which succeeded this book, and Bir Yazarın Notları (Notes of a Writer) and his other works, he became one of the masters of essay writing. He also wrote three plays and translated poems.


TRAVEL LITERATURE: Batı Notları (West Notes, impressions in Paris, 1972).

ESSAY: Biat I, II, III (Obeisance I-II-III, 1973, 1977, 1981), Bağlanma (Getting Attached, 1979), Bir Yazarın Notları I, II, III, IV (Notes of a Writer I-II-III-IV, 1980-81-82), Edebiyat Kulesi (The Tower of Literature, 1984), Sükut Sûretinde (Appearing like Silence, 1997), Derviş Hüneri (Dervish Craft, 1997), Arap Saati (Arabian Clock, 1997), Klâs Duruş (First-rate Position, 1997), Ahid Kulesi (The Tower of Agreement, 1997), Otel Götüren Defterler 1- Çarpışan Sesler (The Notebooks that Took Away the Hotel 1.-Clashing Sounds, 2000).

PLAY: Unut (Forget, 1974), Put Yapımevleri (Idol Factories, 1980), Korku (Fear, 1980), Kalbimin Üstünde Bir Avuç Güneş (A Handful of Sun above my Heart, 1982).

POETRY: Osmanlı Simitçiler Kaside (Ottoman Simit Sellers Kaside*, 2000).

Besides these, he translated many works by J. Prevert and Euégene Guillevic.

REFERENCE: Seyit Kemal Karaalioğlu / Resimli Türk Edebiyatçılar Sözlüğü (1982), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Arif Ay / Dokuz Kandil (1997), Nuri Pakdil Özel Sayısı (Yedi İklim Dergisi, sayı: 58, Ocak 1995), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (18. bas. 1999), Düşünsel, Entelektüel Muhalif Bir Tasarım Olarak Edebiyat Dergisi ve Nuri Pakdil Özel Sayısı (Hece dergisi, sayı: 85, Ocak 2004), Bir Biyografi Denemesi – Düşünen Kalem Nuri Pakdil (K. Maraş Bel. 2010), Ahmet Özalp / Anayol Göstericisi Bir Usta ve – Süren- Uzun Yürüyüşü (2010), Mehmet Erdoğan / Eleştiri Denemeleri (2014), Nuri Pakdil vefat etti - Türk edebiyatının önemli isimlerinden Nuri Pakdil tedavi gördüğü hastanede vefat etti (AA, 18.10.2019), Nuri Pakdil, son yolculuğuna uğurlandı (hü, 19.10.2019), 'Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kültür ve Sanat Büyük Ödülleri'nin sahipleri açıklandı (, 25.11.2019), Atıf Bedir / Nuri Pakdil – Direniş Hattında Bir Devrimci (2019)..


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