Hayrettin Erkmen

Statesman, Politician

18 May, 1999
Ankara University Faculty of Political Science

Politician and statesman (B. 1915, Tirebolu / Giresun – 18 Mayıs 1999, Istanbul). He went to Trabzon High School (1935), Ankara University Faculty of Political Science (1938), Genève Economy Faculty (1948) and Lausanne Faculty of Law (1946). He received his PhD. on economy field from Genève Economy Faculty. When he was a budget assistant in Istanbul University, he was elected as Giresun congressman in 1950 general elections. He worked as a congressman until the May 27, 1960 military coup.

During the 5th Menderes Government, he worked as Minister of Labor (25.11.1957-4.9.1958) and Business Minister (4.9.1958-27.5.1960), Minister of Public Works and Housing (11.12.1959-27.25.1960). After the May 27 Coup, he was sentenced by Supreme Court of Justice and after the amnesty of Revolutionary Government he received his political rights again. During the 1975 partial senate elections, he was elected as the senator of Giresun. In 1979, he was assigned as Foreign Minister during the AP minority government. As a result of interpellation about him in TBMM in September 5, 1980, he became the first minister who was forced to resign by the votes of Milli Selamet Party. He was buried in Istanbul Aşiyan Cemetery.


La Participation des Salaries a la Gestion de l’Entreprise (Çalıştırılanın Teşebbüs İdaresine Katılması, 1948), Fiat Mekanizması (From J. Marchal, 1965), Sosyalizm ve İktidar (From P. Ramarier, 1965).

There are also professional works in the field of economics.

REFERENCE: Afşin Oktay - Kemal Bağlum / Biyografiler Ansiklopedisi (1959), Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (vol. II, 1968), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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